Monday, November 22, 2010 | By: ovnica

Technology to support teaching learning at SMAIT NURUL FIKRI

For the period of teaching assistant I observed the islamic secondary high school (SMAIT NURUL FIKRI) which is located in Depok. This school has many facilities to support teaching learning process. It has e-learning room, laboratory and LCD that are available to use.

In two weeks actually, I just observed X-D class. In that grade all of students are learned about text procedure. In the first week they had cooking demonstration and the second week they have test to cover the materials.
During those two weeks I just saw a stove as a technology that they used in the classroom. The stove was very safe because the fuel is gas and it is "portable" so we can take it wherever we go. This stove is not use a tube to distribute gas from the gas itself to the stove, but the gas is put in the side of stove. The packaging of gas itself is in the bottle, so it is not like a stove in our house. This stove also easy to use so that all students can demonstrate it well.

Personally I think, the usage of this stove is effective because it can help students to visualize how text procedure is, if we apply it in the real life situational. By this technology students not only get the knowledge about text procedure but also get the experience about text procedure in the daily life.It so interesting and all of my students in my class (X-D) are excited and they pay attention when their friend told them how to make something. Basically the goal of cooking demonstration is to assess the speaking skill of students. That's why my master teacher makes it like cooking TVshow program. It has done!! They still cook and in the same time they explained the ingredients and steps for the audiences. So the use of stove is effective in this case because the expectation of my master teacher was reached.

The using of stove is also appropriate because in the proper condition. My master teacher brought it to explain text procedure which tells about how to do something and possible for her to ask students for explaining how to make something (cook).

If I were a teacher in that school with the same condition maybe I will maximize the use of LCD because my master teacher didn't explain what is text procedure, what is the differences if we compare to the other text. I want to maximize the use of slide presentation to explain the lesson so that my students are not only capable in practical but also in the knowledge of lesson. On the other hand, I think it's wasting time if we talk about text procedure in two weeks although many kinds of text that we have to cover it in a semester. I think if we use slide presentation effectively and explain about all of the text and divided students into groups, then each group have to expert in one kind of text, it is more effective. I said that because the students have prior knowledge about the text since the were in the junior high school. I want to make them expert in one text and to make them also capable on the other text. I want to make it like a jigsaw or gallery work so that all group will cover all of the text during two weeks. To explain the text, students are allow to use song, or the other kind of tools to make it easier to understand. The last is because this school has e-learning room, I want to maximize the using of this room. I want to take online discussion or online quiz or something like that to engage and make them understand about kinds of text.


Anonymous said...

nice way in deliver the material ya :)

actually as I know that for each material they have two weeks to learn, because actually I think the teacher should have the plan over a semester before they teach, right ?

oya, perhaps the teacher focus on student center learning ya :)

ovnica said...

that's right beby :)

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