By: Ovnica Nitasari
The teacher is a title of a lyrics. It's tell about teacher, the lyrics are based on the ideas in Ayers' book: Ayers, W. (2001). To teach: The journey of a teacher. New York: Teacher college press.
The teacher is a title of a lyrics. It's tell about teacher, the lyrics are based on the ideas in Ayers' book: Ayers, W. (2001). To teach: The journey of a teacher. New York: Teacher college press. |
He distributed a lyrics for students. I read it and deep in my heart said "woow it so good, the lyrics is very touching for me".
Some of the phrases of sentences that I like are:
- 'cause teaching is never finished
Teaching is never finished as a key word for me as a teacher candidate. As a teacher we have to learn more, read more and do more than our students. Teaching and learning are interrelated. If teaching will never finished so learning do.
- A teacher invites you to a second chance
One of the biggest job for teacher is can deliver material well. Teacher always transfer his/ her knowledge and because of that students who don't know about something they will know. They will know because they learn and they read books. Teacher invites you to a second chance to make colors in your life.
- As long as I live I am under construction
I am under construction because I am a teacher, and teaching my students. I am under construction because teaching is never finished. Everyday teacher learn about how to teach, how to understand all of students, how to manage a classroom as a playground for students, and more and more.......
Teacher's life is always under construction!!!!!!!!
- A teacher beckons you to change the world
This is the last phrases/ sentences that I like. This sentence in the last line of the lyrics and have a big meaning. Teacher invites a second chance and finally she/ he beckons you to change the world. Can you imagine change the world. Can students change the world?
Yes, they can. Every students whose teacher under construction can change the world.
How great a profession of teacher?
Probably, without teacher we are NOTHING........
It's clear to me. My decision to be a teacher is not wrong even though many people around me are disagree with my decision.
If you want to read a lyrics please click here
If you want to read a lyrics please click here
Humm.. I hope we can be an awesome teacher in the future like in that song ya ovnica.. Amiin!!!
I like that song very much...^_^ hihi
Remember : Long-Life learner...^_^
As the teacher we should learn every time, because if we don't have a lot of knowledge, how we can teacher our student well?
Oh ya, I just wanna share my favorite quotation with you,I think you know this words :
"if u learn from the teacher who still reads, it is like drinking fresh water from a fountain. But if u learn from the teacher who no longer reads, it is like drinking polluted water from a stagnant pool"
So that's why we should do long-life study dear. I hope we can give fresh water for our students in the future.
Spirit ovnica!!! HIDUP GURU !!! Hehe :D
Ovinica,, how do yo see yourself as a teacher ?
good.... you can listen to every word people say... but you do not have to always agree with it... :)
@Siti: Yes Siti I remember that quote and hopefully our students later drinking the fresh water from us.
@Umi: Personally I think, I good at to know my students feeling, I am friendly, and I prepare what I have to do.
@Pane:That's right Pane.
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