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Last post, I wrote about five key behaviors to effective teaching. Now, I want to mention five helping behaviors to effective teaching.
1. Using students ideas and contribution
In this part teacher cover many things such as: acknowledging, modifying, applying, comparing and summarizing students response. By this helping teacher can encourage students participation and promote the goal of lesson.
For example:
Teacher: Jane, what is procedure text?
Jane: A kind of text which tell how to do something.
Teacher: Good Jane!
Let's take a look this poster, it is an example of procedure text, tell how to do something like Jane said. Text procedure divided into three parts the first is goal (The title of text), the second is mention about material/ ingredients and what is the next Nurul?
Nurul: The last is part which is showing procedure text, it is mention the process how to make.............
Teacher: So, text procedure have three parts the first is title as a goal, ingredients/ material and the last is mention the process. Then if you want to make text procedure you have to make sure those part within the text.
First by putting Jane's response, the teacher applied Jane's answer by taking it to the next step. Second, by repeating what Jane said, teacher did acknowledge. And the last is by having another response from students teacher made a summary so that, the concept was provided.
2. Structuring
In short is, take the material in the last meeting as a hook and continue it to make a coherence in what will be going in the classroom and at the end teacher give a summary.
In this part we have to know the differences between content questions and process questions
Content question: an example is when teacher want to know the understanding of students or recall last material.
Process question: The question that focuses on how and why. you need to analyze and synthesize information. Not a question that has one word answer. Process question also has different purposes for which questions can be asked. to problem-solve, to guide, to arouse curiosity, to encourage creativity, to analyze, to synthesize, and to judge. For these goals, content is not and end itself but a means of achieving higher-order goals.
4. Probing
Probing is keep asking students until you get the idea.
Probing may take the form of general question or can include other expressions that elicit clarification of an answer, solicit information or redirect students response.
Generally, students achievement is greatest when the eliciting, soliciting and redirecting occur in cycles. The purpose of this cycle is to promote inquiry or independent discovery of the content of the lesson. This helping behavior usually used to shift a discussion to some higher thought level.
5. Enthusiasm
Teacher enthusiasm in the classroom also influence the students.
Enthusiasm is the teacher's power, energy, participation or contribution, excitement and interest during the whole lesson. Enthusiasm including the teacher's gesture, eye contact, her/ his vocal and animation. A teacher enthusiasm was found to be related to student achievement (Bettencourt, Gillet, Gall, & Hull, 1983; Cabello & Terrell, 1994).